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Woodbridge Junior School

Happy Children Inspired to Learn

Summer 1

Poppy showed use some amazing dance moves!

We won 100% attendance - well done!

Our music lesson this week took us to the 1980’s. We used our bodies to express the pulse in the song.

In science, we became pollinators! Transferring first pretend pollen then the real thing.

We have examined explanation texts in English, in preparation for writing our own.

In P.E this week, we began learning the skills needed to play cricket.

Well done to our responsibility certificate winners.

A nurse from the NHS came to talk to us, about the types of things her role involves.

In science, we used drama to help us understand the life cycle of a flowering plant.

We used our computing skills to create labels for our seed bombs!

In history, we used diary extracts to think about different versions of events.

This week in P.E, we played tennis. We remembered all of the skills we had been taught.

Well done to our certificate winners for showing respect.

We had an inspiring presentation from a pharmacy consultant. She told us all about roles within the N.H.S.

In D.T, we designed our seed bombs. Working in groups helps with communication and teamwork skills.

In P.E this week, we continued our tennis skills. We worked on foot work and positioning.

Well done to our aspiration certificate winners.

Finley showed his creativity by teaching us the dance moves to a song.

In science we dissected a lily. We learned the names and function of all parts.

In D.T, we evaluated seed bomb designs.

Anyone for tennis? We have been practising control with the ball in preparation for tennis!

Well done to our certificate winners for this week for showing creativity.
